APSI clients Maureen and Brandi have “always had an independent side to them,” according to Betsy, who has been their Protective Services Representative for over a year. And that side shines through every piece of art they each create; whether they made a collage, a painting, or even collaborated to design a dress, they are always expressing themselves.

“I've gone to the day program where they make the art, and it is sometimes really interesting to see just how their minds work when they're making the pieces,” Betsy said.
Both artists are more than just hobbyists; they showcased their works in an art show at the Cleveland Botanical Garden, and every single piece they crafted was purchased. Maureen shared, “It makes me happy. It makes me proud. It makes me feel good,” that her pieces were sold.
Brandi and Maureen earned a commission off their art sales and plan to use the funds for more vacations and other fun activities. Maureen loved her trip to Disneyland this year and hopes to go on a Disney cruise with her home provider next year. “They are independent, and this just gives them another layer of that independence,” Betsy said.

Their talent has taken them all the way from their native northeast Ohio to Columbus to help paint a mural in the Department of Developmental Disabilities main office. This whirlwind tour would not have been possible without the continued support from Betsy and the rest of Maureen and Brandi’s team.
“You need those people who can encourage you and help you make those positive decisions and that general support,” Betsy explained.
With the encouragement of a committed team, Maureen and Brandi have found firm footing in life, and Betsy will be by their side every step of the way.
“The biggest support I could be is just to be in their corner and be there encouraging them and talking through the options with them,” Betsy said.